Bedroom Nahid Baido Poetry

On Saturday we were so blessed when more voluteers than I thought I needed to help rearrange furniture.  I vastly underestimated the amount of work but it was good fun at least for me and Heide. We moved Heide’s hospital bed into the studio so we can have lovely views of her garden and down town seattle as a background.

Thank you:- George,Luke,Peter,Matthew,Wassef,Sylvia,Racha,Adam,Sarah and Paul not shown.


George and I went out for brunch with Tina and John.

Then we met Ann and Colleen and Cath at the McCaw Hall. To watch Pacific Northwest Ballet.

Heide’s sister Nahid came with her son Baido.

Heide sleeps a lot of the time. Very rarely she answers questions with a single word. She sumond some strength to hug Baido

Today I read for her Shakespear poetry.  Hafez poetry Rumi  at various times of day. It’s hard to know if she hears it, she appears to be sleeping.  I also played Piano some new and mellow improvising.




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